Making a Raspberry Pi Garage Door Opener

A few years back I built a neat project I found online. It was originally designed by Andrew Shillday. You can find the code here. I decided that a Raspberry Pi Zero was sufficient, so I had to modify the pins used, but otherwise it was a fairly easy project.
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Fixing Bitcoin Armory on macOS Catalina 10.15

Bitcoin Armory

The recent surge in crypto prices brought my old Bitcoin stash back to mind. I decided to load up an old digital wallet to check it for consistency, but when I tried to load it, the software, Bitcoin Armory, wouldn’t run. I’m running macOS Catalina 10.15.7, so I figured something changed during my miscellaneous software updates or upgrade from Mojave to Catalina.

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Locast Plex - Local TV on Plex with Raspberry Pi4

Watch local broadcast TV on Plex without an antenna.

What is it?

Locast is a free service that receives over the air (OTA) broadcast television signals and encodes and legally distributes them digitally across the internet. Using the program locast2plex you can receive this digital content and send it to a Plex Media Server. Plex will allow you to record, time-shift and save this content. It works exactly like a Cablebox / DVR.

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Fixing Hexo Not Generating Files

If you’re having trouble with Hexo not generating files, check for broken symbolic links in the source directory tree:

find ./ -type l -exec test ! -e {} \; -print

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Strategy for Migrating to Infrastructure as Code

There are several existing resources that document strategies for migrating infrastructure to code. This post is about my experiences based on the reality, the challenges and best practices.

The Setting

You’re in charge of the infrastructure that the entire organization relies upon. Your product is a 24/7 web application, service or destination. The internet property is secure and five nines of uptime is expected. During a meeting with Sr. Leadership, a directive comes down: “We’re moving to the cloud”.

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