Fast RAID-0 DAS Using Two Thunderbolt 4 Enclosures

In this post I’m demonstrating how to create a high-speed macos volume using 2 Thunderbolt ports and NVMe enclosures. This solution uses RAID-0 (striping) so the failure threshold is more than twice that of a normal standalone disk. This example is for demonstration purposes and could be useful for video editing scratch space, rendering, large photo sessions or similar uses. Obviously, good backups (RAID is not a backup) or a more reliable storage tier is recommended for daily use.

Thunderbolt 4 Benchmark: 2.22 GBs write, 3.74 GBs read

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Ultra fast Thunderbolt NAS with Apple M1 and Linux

Thunderbolt 4

In this post I discuss how you can upgrade a NAS Server by adding Thunderbolt 3 for lightning fast connectivity at 20 or 40Gbps. This particular implementation is specific to an Apple Mac Mini M1 and a Linux NAS server on an older Supermicro X10SRL-F motherboard, but the principles should be the same on similar architectures and operating systems.

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Person is not a known valid target type for the publisher property.

It’s not just you. If you’ve received this error the odds are pretty good this component of your schema is correct and your validator is mistaken. Person type

Specifically, in this case, the Google Structured Data Tester. After testing this blog, I was puzzled as to why Google was throwing an Error on this property. I checked the documentation on and as expected, Person is indeed a valid type for the Publisher property.

Specifically, “Values expected to be one of these types: Organization and Person“. Perhaps I was missing context? Nope.

Google’s validator just needs to be updated to be in parity with the official specs.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

AiGenArt, AI Generated Art - Saturn

Saturn. This is an interesting piece. The keywords I used for this creation were ‘saturn’ and ‘smoke’.

Saturn - AI Generated Art

It began with a mostly blank frame / canvas. The machine learning and training model set out to discover Saturn and generate accordingly. As the piece evolved (video below), I started to notice what appear to be rigid, unnatural lines take shape. It turns out that the machine found Saturn to be not only a planet, but also a car manufacturer! The result is an interesting collision of abstraction as only a computer could reason. Here is how the piece took form.
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Generating Art with VQGAN+CLIP AI

I’ve been playing around with OpenGAN, TensorFlow, torch and a few other goodies lately. Adding CLIP to the mix gives me the ability to use common phrases to guide the AI to creating works. It’s fascinating to see what is generated based on the training models used. Some are surprisingly good and others, well, I’ll let you be the judge. Here are a few of the pieces along with the phrases that generated them:

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Pushover Desktop? Yes, on Apple Silicon.

Pushover on macOS

At home I run a lot of gadgets. A mix of computer servers, IoT devices and various Raspberry Pi projects that I’ve built. I always want to be aware of what’s happening with the home, so I’ve been using a notification app called Pushover. It’s a nice notification utility that can send messages to your phone or tablet, in addition to your desktop browser. The keyword here is browser.

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New CB Brand Logo

I created a new logo and icon of my initials for my personal brand tonight:

CB Initials

It’s not something that really needs a blog post, but I’m adding it here for posterity. Maybe I’ll mint it as an NFT for anyone that has the initials CB. Ehh, no.

New website -

Next Rocket Launch

I wanted a quick, lightweight way to view rocket launches from Florida’s Space Coast - Kennedy Space Center but everything I found online was bloated. So, I create a simple website and Progressive Web App (PWA) so I could just check it on my phone.
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